Oakland University Pontiac Initiative
318 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-4455

Birth to Grade 16 Education
The Birth to Grade 16 Education Committee focuses on supporting Pontiac PK-12 students' education, as well as helping parents and families to be partners in their children’s education. In addition, the partners work to strengthen the connections between Pontiac Schools and Oakland University, particularly regarding bridging high school graduation and initial college experiences.
Pillar Leads
Jon Margerum-Leys
OU Lead
School of Education and Human Services
Pastor Derrick McDonald
Pontiac Lead
Prospect Baptist Church
Retired VP of HR, Comer Holdings
Kelley Williams
Community Partner
Pontiac School District
- Continue to help parents and families to be partners in their children's education through the development of Parent University
- Support middle school students' algebra skills through algebra workshops and other experiences
- Provide field experiences to Oakland University students and educational experiences to Pontiac Schools students
- Support the success of Pontiac School students who face challenges such as English language learning, post-traumatic stress and poverty
- Strengthen the connections between Pontiac Schools and Oakland University, particularly regarding bridging high school graduation and initial college experiences
For more information regarding this program, please contact: Celia Knobelsdorf caknobelsdorf@oakland.edu (248) 364-8716
For more information about OUPIECE, contact:
Dr. Shannan McNair: mcnair@oakland.edu
Dr. Tomoko Wakabayshi: twakabayashi@oakland.edu
- Health & Wellness
- Positive Parenting
- Navigating the Educational System
- Personal Development
To learn more about Pontiac Parent University and how to be involved, contact Paola Nkwuzor at paola.nkwuzor@pontiacschools.org.
Oakland University's Reading Language Arts (RLA) Department provided 710 hours of one-to-one instruction to Pontiac youth
- RLA faculty members participated in three parent nights
- Oakland University student provided one-on-one tutoring to a child who was struggling with reading at Whitman Elementary School via an undergraduate independent study (16 hours of instruction provided)
- Provided monthly after-school activities that integrated literacy at the Baldwin Center
- Exposed 6,916 Pontiac students to careers